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Gene Haglock

​ Section 1  Divine Authority

A Personal Story
This chapter begins with a personal story, which illustrates why authority is so important.  I was born and raised in the religion of my mother’s fathers and had embraced this faith for 55 years.  I am a sixth generation adherent of this particular religious persuasion.  I have ancestors who gave their lives for what they believed fleeing religious persecution.  Additional sacrifices where made immigrating a long distanced and settling in a harsh desert climate.  In 1996, I started examining ideologies that were not fully embraced by my religion such as homeschooling, natural healing, and constitutional government.  Now that I look at this beginning in retrospect, I realize that I was not finding my faith fulfilling and that something foundational was missing.  In fact, now I look back and realized that I was spiritually dead and didn't know it - practicing a religion out of habit.  As I started to critically examine what I believed, there was a subtle but growing awareness that at some point my efforts to examine what I believe would come in conflict with my church’s doctrines.  That day arrived in May 2012.  I was called in to a church court and many of my member privileges were suspended.  I was “counseled” for two years by my local congregational leader.  Most of the conditions to have my privileges restored I felt I could agree to except one.  The one condition I could not accept was being told what I could or could not read.  Being told what I could or could not read is essentially mind control.  Being told what I was to think was completely unacceptable - I held my ground.  After two years of counseling, a higher level court was held.  At this court I was forced into making a choice between following the church’s top leader or hold to the laws of God set out in the Bible, which I felt were still valid - I was ejected from my church.  After having been ejected from the church of my fathers in June 2014, I realized that the law God reveal to Moses affords protections from overreaching and unrighteous leaders and institutions.  One particular quote from John Rushdooney summarizing the law is quite poignant,
“According to the rabbinic reckoning, the Torah has 613 laws.” “If, as Scripture makes clear, we are to live by what at most can be called 613 laws, then we cannot have a power-state nor a power-church, because their sphere of relevance is limited to a very few of those 613 laws.  It means also that those laws of 613 which are not reserved by God to His own enforcements, or are given to state and church, are placed in the hands of individuals and families.”  (Institutes of Biblical Law, Vol. III, p 1,3)
As I continued to study God’s written law, I found that the religion I had spend my whole life embracing had corrupted divine law and usurped the authority of God’s earthly sovereigns - fathers of families.  I discovered that my church was oppressing the poor by requiring the payment of excessive tithes - forcing the poor to tithe from their basic needs.  I discovered that leaders in God’s government “the church” were to be selected by the fathers of families and the people, and not a top-down authoritarian system where the people had very little say about who would have authority of them.  And what even made this more disgusting is that my church required this in the name of me being with God and my family for eternity. Hence, this guide begins with a discussion about God’s authority.
The Flow of God’s Authority
Establishing a community under God requires first and foremost an understanding of the flow of God’s authority.  If there is one area that can mislead a person the most, it is the source of God’s instructions or directions.  History is replete with examples of people following a man or a false idea that ended up taking them down the wrong path. – Yeshua said that the path is narrow.
The best and most succinct scripture that expresses the flow of God’s authority is found at 1 Corinthians 11:3. “But I would have you know that the head every man is Christ; the head of the woman is the man and the head of Christ is God.”  This flow of authority might also be expressed: God > Christ/Messiah > Man > Woman > Children.  Moreover, since God is not physically with us, He has given us His law that defines Him, provides us “life”, and will lead us to Him.
God the Father
God, the Father is the ultimate authority, he is omnipotent.  Though He is omnipotent He has given men and women free will to choose between light or darkness and reap the consequences of their choices.
By and large the scriptures reveal very little about God, the Father that is because He sent His Son, Yeshua/Yehovah incarnate – who represents Him perfectly.  In fact, Yeshua represents the Father so perfectly that Yeshua is His “Son”.
In Hebraic covenant theology, the titles of “father” and “son”
represent a covenant relationship between two separate identities.
In Hebraic covenant theology, the titles of “father” and “son” represent a covenant relationship between two separate identities.   Many religionists have morphed or simplified the identity of God, the Father and His Son, Yeshua/Yehovah incarnate into one identity.  Great care must be employed when interpreting the word “god” in the Bible to determine what context it is being used.
As God, the Father’s legal representative over our world, Yehovah re-revealed the Father’s law to ancient Israel through Moses; took upon himself mortality as Yeshua to reverse the effects of Adam’s transgression and to restore his covenant with Israel.
Yehovah is Yeshua
The law Yehovah gave to Israel subsequently established a covenant relationship between Himself and Israel, which some have called the Sinai covenant.  Moreover, Yehovah liken his relationship with Israel to a marriage arrangement with Israel as the bride and Yehovah as the bridegroom.
When the northern tribes (Israel) had committed abominations and broke Yehovah’s covenant, Yehovah “divorced” Israel and exited His covenant with Israel.  Jeremiah 3:8
Under the Sinai marriage laws, a spouse could only remarry if the previously divorce spouse had died.  Romans 7:1-3 Consequently, the only way Yehovah could remarry Israel and restore His covenant relationship with Israel is to come to earth as a man and die then become alive again.
Not only did Yehovah come to earth as Yeshua to save humanity from eternal physical and spiritual death and damnation, He also came to restore His covenant with Israel and to remarry Her.
Commenting on another aspect of Yehovah’s descent to restore his covenant with Israel, Isaiah scholar Avraham Gileadi, PhD wrote in his apocalyptic interpretation of the 53th chapter of Isaiah:
“Although the subject of verses 1-10 is Israel’s God Jehovah, the King of Zion (Isaiah 52:7), he appears to his people as “a man” (cf. Genesis 18:1-16). In the pattern of descent before ascent that every proxy savior experiences under the terms of the Davidic Covenant (Isaiah 37:20, 33-35; 38:1-6), Jehovah too suffers as a man in the course of redeeming his people before he comes to reign on the earth as King of Zion (Isaiah 43:24-25; 44:22; 59:19-20;62:11; 63:8-9). Considered a reprobate and under a curse, he bears the iniquities of reprobates by taking their curses on himself in order to reverse them.
The seven pairs of antithetical themes of Isaiah’s Seven-Part Structure—Ruin & Rebirth, Rebellion & Compliance, Punishment & Deliverance, Humiliation & Exaltation, Suffering & Salvation, Disloyalty & Loyalty, Disinheritance & Inheritance—are evident in Jehovah more than in any person. While he undergoes ruin, punishment, humiliation, suffering, and disinheritance, he does so on behalf of those who are rebellious and disloyal. But because he is compliant and loyal, he experiences rebirth, deliverance, exaltation, salvation, and inheritance in the end as an example to all who emulate him.”
Dispensation Heads
A dispensation is a period of time when God’s law is operating or is available on the earth.  God’s law is the same over all dispensations.  A dispensation usually ends when men have abandoned His law and apostatized, and a new dispensation opens.  A new dispensation begins when a righteous man opens the heavens; has a direct communication with God who re-reveals His law to him who then is sent forth with a commission to gather the righteous.  Individuals who open the heavens, communicate with Yehovah/Yeshua, receive God’s law and are sent forth to gather the righteous are Dispensation Heads.
We know that Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Yeshua with the Apostles restored God’s law to mankind.
God’s Gospel Law
When Yehovah gave Moses the Father’s law, He gave the Israelites a comprehensive code of law, which governed every aspect of life - a complete theocracy, God’s divine government.  The theocracy that Yehovah revealed to Israel was a system of self-government.  David called this code of law - the perfect law of righteousness, which also extended the concept of self-government outside of the 613 rules with the two great commandments of loving God with all of our hearts and loving our neighbor as ourselves.  When Yehovah descended to earth as Yeshua, He came to renew His already “perfect law of righteousness” with Israel.  
James McCune wrote in his book, God’s Law: The Neglected Element in Religious and Civil Life,  “The Law of Moses regulated actions and behavior; the Law of Christ regulates the attitudes and thoughts that precede actions and behavior…” (p. xvi)  Indeed, Yeshua as the “living Torah” showed us how to live (fulfill) the written law with a pure heart. Jeremiah 31:31,33
Moreover, the Law Yehovah gave to Israel defined the nature of God, gives us “life (Deu. 4:1), and provides us a way back into the presence of God.
John Rushdooney wrote, “As the alternative to reprobation, death, nothingness and hell, God offers holiness, His law, and makes clear that His laws, the laws of holiness, are the way of life and the principle of life to all His covenant people, whose lives are grounded, not on nothings, but on the Lord.”  ( Institutes of Biblical Law, Vol. II, p. 574)
A Nation of Kings and Priests
Next to Yehovah in authority are the fathers of families 1 Cor 11:3.  Because the family is central to God’s plan for humanity and for His eternal purposes, fathers, having authority over their families, are God’s earthly sovereigns.  As God’s sovereigns, any community institution is subject to their collective will.
John Rushdooney wrote quoting Matthew Sorin, “According to the order and constitution of the divine government, man is appointed to rule in the affairs of this life. It is his prerogative to hold the reins of domestic government, and to direct the family interest, so as to bring them to a happy and honorable termination.  This appointment of God is initiated in the order of the creation; and its propriety is manifested in the order of the fall.” (Institutes of Biblical Law, Vol. I, p. 203)
Furthermore, God supports and sustains a father’s sovereign authority by limiting the power of institutions outside of the family within the confines of Torah’s 613 laws.  Likewise, the Torah does not give the father unchecked power, he must also operate within the confines of God’s 613 laws, employ love towards his family and others,  and accept the counsel of his wife in the execution of his duty.
In their sovereign roles as kings (1 Cor. 11:3) and priests (Ex. 19:6) to their families, fathers have the sole responsibility and accountability to provide for their families physical and spiritual needs - no other person or institution in life is assigned by God to fulfill this role.  God has appointed only fathers to carry His message of salvation to the next generation.
The Covenant Family
The Father’s Roles as King and Priest
The Hebraic view of father as king of his home is to preside as the head of his family, provide for the material needs and physical protection of those members of his household who honors God’s law, otherwise they have no promise under the law.  Avraham Gileadi, PhD wrote, “If men will truly function as fathers to their families, as kings … in the house of Israel, then what is expected of them?  According to the scriptures, a king’s primary role is to secure his people’s temporal salvation:” (The Last Days, p. 176)
As a priest in his home, the father’s responsibility is to teach God’s law to his family as set forth in the Old Testament and to live this law with a pure heart as taught by Yeshua ( Lev. 10:11). He is accountable for the sins of his family and is answerable to God for their disobedience if he fails to teach them the law.  If the father fails in his responsibility to teach his family God’s law, he will suffer for his family’s sins, damnation and destruction.  One commentator put it this way, “[We] … had been consecrated priests and teachers of this people … And we did magnify our office unto the Lord, taking upon us the responsibility, answering the sins of the people upon our own heads if we did not teach them the word of God with all diligence; wherefore, by laboring with our might their blood might not come upon our garments; otherwise their blood would come upon our garments, and we would not be found spotless at the last day.”  (Jacob, p. 119)  For those who follow in God’s way of life, they qualify for the presence of the Holy Spirit and in this way as a priest to his family, fathers secure his families spiritual salvation in mortality.
The Mother’s Roles as Queen and Priestess
The Hebraic view of mother as queen and priestess is a perfect complement with her husband as they act in complete oneness and unity to save their children from temporal and spiritual ruin during mortality.  Her efforts to act in concert with her husband to provide for their children’s physical and spiritual well-being supplies a powerful witness of God’s truth and in her husband’s role as king and priest.  Their unity and oneness in God’s way of life forms an eternal spiritual anchor for their children.  
Moreover, mothers, as priestesses, are “saviors” in their own right as they give their blood and life by bringing physical and spirit life into the world.   Avraham Gileadi writes, “In matriarchy, the savior role assumes a different … form.  In a literal sense, a woman pays with her blood to renew her fertility, to nourish her children during pregnancy, and to give them birth into the world.  She sacrifices herself on behalf of her children in nursing and nurturing them through childhood.” (Isaiah Decoded, p. 203)
Yeshua as King of Kings and High Priest
Yeshua/Yehovah incarnate serves in a parallel role as king and priest but over the whole of creation and reveals the Father’s gospel law to the world.  As the Savior of the world, Yeshua’s temporal and spiritual salvation extends into the eternities and delivers mankind from eternal physical and spiritual death.  In a series of covenant relationships - Yeshua to fathers and fathers to their families - God, our Father’s children receive temporal and spiritual salvation during mortality and for eternity.
The Covenant Community
Under God, the natural and basic organized and governed unit of society is the family with the father having absolute authority acting within the law and the counsel of his wife.
A group of families forms a community.  This community of families is managed by a man selected by the fathers of the families (Deu. 1:13-16, Acts 1:15-26) and sustained by the general membership (common consent) (Ex. 19:8, 24:3,7).  The Elder of the community should know God’s laws and have the qualities set out in the scriptures. His responsibilities as the community Elder include:

  1. Being a judge over the members to ensure that the community and members are honoring God’s laws.
  2. Seeing that the temporal welfare of the families are being met.
  3. Maintains the meetings and programs of the community.
  4. Selects two counselors who assists him (in ancient Israel two Levites were assigned to each judge in Israel who knew the law, (Institutes, Vol. III, p. 27; Josephus, Antiquity of the Jews, Book IV, Chp. viii)

​ Section 2  Statements of Belief

These Statements of Belief provide a doctrinal overview of the basic tenets of the Gospel.
We believe in God, the Eternal  Father/Abba, in His Son Yehovah/Yeshua Ha Mashiach(Jesus Christ) and in the Holy Ghost/Ruach HaKodesh. Matt. 3:16,17   

We believe that Adam fell that men might be and men are that they might have a fullness of life with God; that man will be punished for his own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression 

We believe that Grace is God's mercy and power to raise man from his fallen status and  to bring him life in mortality and eternal life in the world to come.  He does this - (1) by giving us the "light" of His Son, Yeshua/Jesus, that helps us to know good from evil, which is our conscience.  John 1:9;  (2) by revealing His Torah that is the foundation of His truth and way to life. John 5:39; (3) by sending us His Holy Spirit that bears witness of His truth and expands our knowledge of Him and His way to life. John 16:13; and (4) by sending His son as our Savior that through his Atonement and Resurrection we can be sanctified and completely reconciled with God and receive eternal life. 1 John 1:7, John 3:16, 1 Corinthians 15:20-22 

We believe the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in Yeshua as the Messiah; second, Repentance as the process to return to the law as revealed to Moses and later fulfulled by Yeshua who showed us how to properly live the law; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins by those having authority; fourth, the baptism of fire and reception of the gift of the Holy Ghost.  Acts 2:37,38

We believe fathers of families are God's earthly sovereigns and have the divine right and responsibility under the laws of God to lead their families in righteousness, and to enter into covenant and receive authority from God to bless their families. "But I would have you know that the head of every man is the Messiah, the head of the woman is the man and the head of the Messiah is God." 1 Corinthians 11:3 

We believe in the same community organization established under Torah law and that offices existing in the Primitive Church have the same function and purpose that are outlined in the law. And that such officers are selected by the governed - fathers of families choose these officers who are sustained by common consent of the community members.  Deu. 1:15

We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues and so forth. 

We believe the Torah is the authoritative foundation of the Gospel of the Messiah and is the standard upon which all truth is measured.  We accept any writings that support and sustain Torah - ie Prophets, Writings, New Testament, and any others. 
We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. 

We believe that Yehovah came to earth as Yeshua to die and come alive again to restore a broken covenant with Israel; and in the literal gathering of Israel, and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion - communities under Yeshua, Isaiah 19:18 - will be established on the American continent; that the Messiah will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.